Video Game Jazz Band

Jazz has always been a genre that embraces pop culture music. This generation’s popular music comes in various sizes starting at 8 bits and increasing from there. In other words, video games! It is time to be part of the trend spreading worldwide to bring video game music into mainstream jazz.
The goal of this group is to make jazz accessible to the performers with music to which they can more relate. The theme of the Spring Season is Cuphead Jazz!
The Video Game Jazz Band is open to instrumentalists and vocalists ages 12-18. This program does not teach kids how to play instruments. Participants need to be at level of proficiency similar to what is needed for middle or high school school jazz band, concert band, choir or orchestra. All instruments are encouraged to participate! Rehearsals meet on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm-8:30pm at Air House Music Academy, Studio C (109 S. Ridge Rd, Wichita, KS).
The Spring Season runs for 12 weeks from January 23rd through April. The program cost is $25 per 60 minute rehearsal. Payments can either be made up front for the entire 12 week program ($300), or split into two payments of $150. If split, the first payment is due at the first rehearsal and the second payment is due at the midway point.
The Video Game Jazz Band is directed by Brandon Morse. He can be reached at or 316-288-9089.