Music Education at Air House

Comprehensive Music Education

Learn from accomplished professors at Air House

Music education at Air House

Learn from the best! Our music educators are credentialed and accomplished.

Air House is dedicated exclusively to quality music education. Students can come to Air House, free from a commercial environment, and focus on learning, creativity and inspiration. Air House teachers are not simply people who play instruments, but are qualified music educators.

Lessons are available for all instruments including guitarpianovoicebassdrumssaxophonetrumpetclarinetfluteviolin and more! Lessons are customized to fit the needs of the student, offering instruction for all ages, levels and genres. Air House teachers are the best music educators in the area, giving the general public access to high level music education.

The faculty consists of teachers who are college music professors, have their masters degree or bachelors degree in music or are currently completing their music degrees. Many of the teachers have been or currently are classroom music school teachers as well as private teachers. The teachers are also the highest caliber of performing musicians in the area.

Air House music lessons are customized to fit the needs and interests of the students. The line up of teachers is extremely versatile to ensure that students can pursue exactly the type of music that they interested in and have the type of lesson that they are wanting. There is a qualified teacher that can specialize in any style of music including rock, pop, country, R&B, blues, worship, classical and jazz.

In addition to offering a variety of styles and approaches, Air House teachers are dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of music and music theory. Often times fundamental music education is left out of pop, rock or even classical music lessons. Instead students simply learn songs without knowledge of what they are doing musically. Or the opposite occurs in which it is all music theory and note reading in types of music that the student is not interested in.

Air House offers the best of both worlds, ensuring that students are able to learn a type of music that is interesting to them, while at the same time learning the fundamentals necessary to become a true musician, not just someone that can play a few songs on an instrument.

Learn to play, learn to write.

Air House is also strongly dedicated to helping to inspire creativity. Many Air House teachers are talented songwriters and composers. While all Air House music lessons aim to encourage creativity, lessons are also offered that specifically focus on songwriting and composition for those students who want to focus on writing their own music. All Air House teachers are unified in the vision of helping each student to find his or her unique voice of musical expression.

Air House offers music education for all ages of students, including young children, elementary schoolers, middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students and adults. Air House has teachers that specialize in elementary and even pre-elementary music education. There are also teachers that specialize in working with adults, both adult beginners and more advanced adults. While many places that offer music lessons focus on a particular age demographic, all ages can feel comfortable taking lessons at Air House.

Air House is dedicated to being a good and fair business for both the students and the teachers. Air House policy understands that students have a life outside of music lessons and provides the students with respect and flexibility, while at the same time respecting the teachers and their professional needs. Air House makes sure that it is the best possible teaching situation for the teachers. As a result, Air House has attracted the very best teachers in the area.

At Air House, you will find a fun, clean and relaxed environment that is perfect for learning!



Private music lessons in Wichita, KS. Air House has the top teachers in the area, offering piano, guitar, voice, drum, bass, saxophone lessons and more.

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Play in an ensemble and perform at local venues.

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Air House Studio is a hybrid analog/digital recording studio located in Wichita, KS, offering services in recording and mixing. From a demo to a full length album, Air House can help you achieve your sonic goals!

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109 S. Ridge Rd.
Wichita, KS 67209


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